Purple Pick: Easter Celebrations Around the World

We’re used to Easter Eggs, big dinners and maybe a stroll nearby on our Easter holidays. Well, there are a few other traditions worth checking out. How about a fireworks fight between some local parishes in Greece, or a silent procession in Mexico? We’ve got just a quick post to give you a taster of Easter Celebrations Around the World.

Portugal: Different regions have their own Easter traditions in Portugal. In some areas you can see the ‘Ecce Homo Procession’ of barefoot men in tunics. While in the South shepherds crowd into town centres to have their flocks blessed before a procession of Alleluia with cowbells. It’s also a great choice for a foodie getaway with roast kid, meatballs and lamb stew on the menu and cakes everywhere!

Mexico: Combine some Easter sunshine, with the traditional spectacle of the Mexican ‘Semana Santa.’ Mexico’s Holy week runs from Palm Sunday to Easter Saturday and if you’re looking for an immersive, traditional Easter experience, we think it’s the place to go. Bells peel, churches are packed and the ‘Procesion de Silencio,’ a silent procession through the streets is well worth a look.

Greece: Easter Sunday is a big occasion in Greece. Most major cities are quiet as people return to their villages for the celebration. A lamb is roasted on an open fire in the centre of the town and families gather to talk, eat and dance. The islands are a really special place with some very unusual traditions taking place including an Easter rocket war in Chios which sees rival parishes try to hit each other’s church bell towers with fireworks, as mass services continue:

Corfu is also a great choice to soak up some sunshine and delight in some unusual traditions. Corfiotes celebrate Easter Sunday by throwing clay pots off their balconies.  It is said to symbolise ‘out with the old and in with the new.’

Don’t forget we’ve got deals all over the world for this Easter, so whether you want to get a look at the locals or steer clear of the traditions; call one of our expert travel advisors on 0800 408 9367 now for some information on our best deals.

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