San Francisco Airport to be named after Harvey Milk

Last week, we heard news that Birmingham International may be in for a rename, after Brummie-born King of Darkness, Ozzy Osbourne. Now it looks like San Francisco Airport have similar plans in mind.


San Francisco’s airport has released news that they may be renamed after campaigner Harvey Milk. David Campos of the Board of Supervisors, has asked voters to approve the memorial of Milk, who was the first gay man elected to public office in the United States in 1977. His openness and call for others to do the same with their own sexuality, inspired a whole generation of activists. Sadly, Milk, along with Mayor George Moscone, was assassinated at City Hall just over  a year later.

His nephew, Stuart Milk, runs an international gay rights foundation in his uncle’s memory. He believes that the renaming of the airport would mark a milestone in gay rights campaigning, as flights to and from San Francisco International serve 68 countries where homosexuality is illegal.


He told one newspaper, “For young gay people in an illegal place looking up at a monitor and being able to point to this international airport named after an LGBT advocate, it gives them the green light to authenticity. It’s a major representation that (they) are being celebrated somewhere in the world in a high-level way.”

Plans are currently well under way and Campos said the San Francisco Board of Supervisors could vote on the amendment in as little as two weeks.

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