Archive - December 31, 2015

Cheap holidays in Ibiza: 5+1 tips for living it up on a budget, Mediterranean style!

Cheap holidays in Ibiza: 5+1 tips for living it up on a budget, Mediterranean style!

Cheap Holidays in Ibiza

As most visitors will attest, Ibiza is the sunny clubbing capital of Europe. However as flocks of tourists swarm on the island during high season it isn’t exactly the cheapest place to be. The megaclubs and activities on offer are various and far beyond and you can blow remarkable budgets away without even noticing. That is if you don’t have a plan! How to have cheap holidays in Ibiza you say? The solutions are numerous and besides getting sponsored or robbing a bank, we give you the 5+1 top sun baked and proven ways to live the party your way without becoming totally broke!

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