Holidays in Tenerife: A diver’s dream!
Divers and beginners rejoice! The volcanic island of Tenerife is home to some of the most spectacular beaches and resorts and host to a multitude of seaside activities such as swimming, surfing and sailing. However, if you have planned your next holidays in Tenerife, you will also be well rewarded with some of the most amazing underwater sceneries to be seen in case you decide to dive into its crystal clear waters. From beginners, to intermediate to well versed explorers of the seas, Tenerife has something for all to enjoy as its reefs and sea life are colourful and vibrant to a degree rarely seen anyplace else. Dive in and enjoy our guide to the best underwater spots to explore during your holidays in Tenerife!
Condesito Shipwreck
Off the shore of Punta Rasca, lays one of the most spectacular diving sites with an amazing history. What is now a diving site, used to be a freightliner which transported cement for the building of Los Christianos resorts which sunk in 1972 due to a mysterious cause. It is speculated that the captain was drunk celebrating new year’s eve and the ship ran onto the reef of which it is now part, leading to the erection of the Punta Rasca lighthouse nearby. Nowadays the shipwreck has been taken over by nature, being incorporated into the nearby coral reef and hosting a family of fish and sea creatures. An amazing spot for all levels of divers, make use of your holidays in Tenerife to explore it and witness colourful trumpetfish, red sea stars, barracudas and eels along with octopus swimming by you. In case you are more experienced you can venture to the black coral reef nearby and marvel at the amazing underwater flora of the site.
Palm-Mar Cave
A site devoted to the most adventurous of divers, the vast and unexplored Cueva Palm Mar, is a site worthy of a visit if you feel like taking on the challenge. Deep, dark and host to some spectacular underwater labyrinths, this site is host to eels and lobsters and the clear waters covering it provide great visibility to the large rocks which form its entrance. A cross and a statue of Virgin Del Carmen were erected protecting and commemorating the lost divers who ventured too far into the cave, giving a small hint into its imposing nature. Nonetheless if you feel up for the challenge, tours beginning from the Los Christianos and Las Galletas resorts will take you to the cave and let you put your skill to the test while exploring this unique underwater spectacle. In all, this is an expedition not to miss during your holidays in Tenerife if you happen to be amongst the experienced underwater explorers.
The Rays
A friendlier site to the aforementioned, The Rays at Los Chuchos is bustling with life and colour. Long held as one of the prime spots for underwater life devotees, photographers and videographers, this site is definitely something not to miss if diving is your thing. Accessible to all levels of divers, this site is host to a multitude of underwater species and more specifically rays of all shapes and sizes which drift along the underwater landscape. Also host to a small shipwreck awaiting exploration, this diving site is amongst the most colourful and interesting to visit on your next diving holidays to Tenerife.