Tag - Cadiz

Off the beaten track: Setenil de las Bodegas – A town within the rocks

Off the beaten track: Setenil de las Bodegas – A town within the rocks

An absolutely unique town, Sentenil de las Bodegas is built on top of, within and underneath might rock structures, creating multi-level streets, and tiny winding alleyways. the 3,000 inhabitants of Setenil de las Bodegas in Cadiz, Spain seem to enjoy living in a gorge cut out of a mountain.

setenil delas botegas

Even if you think it’s a bit weird, there’s no arguing with history, the town has had residents for thousands of years, from when they first started to carve their homes out of the sides of the mountain. Most are built under the cliff or into the hillside, creating spacious homes that always stay at the right temperature.


All images via @ Klinne

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