Tag - healty eating

Get ready for the beach with our bikini diet tips.

Get ready for the beach with our bikini diet tips.

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Ladies! Winter is nearly done (we hope!) for good and spring is tiptoing slowly, ensuring you’re lusting after golden beaches, aqua parks and holidays in the sunshine.  It’s also the time when tights are banished to the back of the wardrobe, miniskirts are taken out and oh yes, bikini time.

With the summer fast approaching and the images of powder white beaches , celebs looking amazing in tiny two pieces and the lure of sunshine, it’s a good time to think about getting in shape now. So, your friends at Purple Travel k decided to give you some tips on how to get ready for summer with our bikini diet tips.

What to eat

Vegetables – Chock full of nutrients, vegetables have always been supporters of our health and shape; therefore stock up and feel the weight drop off.

Leafy greens: For a meal without calories opt for a hearty salad which will certainly satisfy your hunger and won’t leave you with a bulging stomach.

Red Bell Peppers: this valuable food stimulates the digestive system and boosts your metabolism.

Peppermint: to feel as light as a feather have some peppermint leaves that reduce bloating and indigestion.

Fruits – Apart from their nutrient and vitamin value, mother nature’s best natural products not only benefits our body, but also helps our minds. Apples, oranges, berries,  make us feel happier, thanks to their healthy content and utter deliciousness! Prepare a simple fruit salad with pineapple, berries and apples and say goodbye to annoying cellulite.

Fish – Forget the fatty sausages or bland chicken and go for fish! Have a low-calorie salmon meal which will supply your body with good omega 3 saturated fats.

Greek Yoghurt – The best solution for your daily calcium intake, it has zero fat and can be easily eaten plain or mixed with some fruits, or added to sauces, or savoury dishes.

Raw nuts – Nutritious, quick snacks with healthy fats, fibre  plant sterols and many vitamins and minerals, raw nuts pack a powerful nutritional punch, all wrapped up in a tiny bite-sized package.

Exercise tips

For workaholics, the really busy ones or gym haters here are some exercise tips to help you either improve or keep in shape.

Tip 1: Give up email! If you want to share something with a colleague just walk to their office and have a chat. Every step counts – but you can always get a nice chat out of it too.

Tip 2: Improve your posture while sitting on your office chair, sit up straight and contract your tummy – this counts as an abs excercise even if you don’t feel it.

Tip 3: Avoid lifts. Try using the the stairs for some calorie burning, even if it’s just one or two floors worth. If you get public transport, get off the bus or tube one stop early and walk the extra few minutes home or to the office.

Tip 4: No need to drop yourself on the couch while watching your favourite series. Do some free weightlifting (even with two tins of beans!) or some gentle hip exercises to make your pastime a useful one.

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